Upcoming Events

2018 Events

Marriage Enrichment Date Night!

Click HERE for the Registration Form


Leadership Training!

Imagine meeting Catholic women from across the state all in one place...our very own PEORIA!!

On June 23rd, we are hosting a day of training and development as women LEADERS in  our own parishes and diocese.  This training will be designed around the subjects you choose when you register.  From mentoring to marketing, communication to committees, looking for new ideas or new members...lots of topics!  All for just $30!  ($25 for Early Bird registration)

To register, and to get info on the block of rooms we have at Stony Creek in East Peoria, download this form and mail it in.  Once received, you will get your own survey to help choose the topics for the day.

Volunteer Appreciation!

Tuesday April 24, 2018 at Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria.

Download the following documents for more information, including how to make reservations and how to honor a woman from your parish!

2017 Events

Monday November 6, 2017

Click on the link for a printable flier, or go to our homepage to see the full day's events.

Wednesday May 3, 2017

Thursday April 27, 2017

2016 Events:

Tuesday December 6, 2016

Here is the schedule for the day:  

          9:30 ~  Registration with Coffee, Tea, and Donuts
                    10:00 ~ Welcome and Opening Prayer
                    10:15 ~  Presentation by Msgr. Wellman
                    11:00 ~ Holy Mass
                    12:00 ~ Lunch
                     1:00 ~ Holy Hour which will include 
                        Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and Confession
                     2:00 ~ Benediction 

Saturday October 15, 2016:  Bi-Annual Diocesan Convention in Peoria

Here is the schedule for the day:  

9:30                 Arrive at Cathedral

9:45                 Rosary

10:15               Holy Mass—Celebrant: Msgr. Dale Wellman

11:15               Return to Spalding Pastoral Center, Registration, Displays

11:45               Welcome, Introductions

12:00               Angelus, Grace:  Msgr. Wellman; Lunch

12:55               Speaker—Dr. Sharon Weiss, Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Diocese of Peoria
“Catholic Identity, Catholic Formation, Catholic Success—Celebrating Our Schools”

1:20                 NCCW Convention Update: Dr. Rebecca Woodhull,
                        Immediate Past President NCCW    

1:40                 Business Meeting, Installation of Officers, Recognitions

2:00                 Speaker--Mrs. Kim Padan, Chair Evangelization PDCCW
                              “Lay Evangelization”

2:25                 Litany of the Good Shepherd

2:30                 Announcements, 50/50 prize

2:40                 Closing Comments: Msgr. Wellman
                        Blessing, Dismissal


Friday May 13, 2016:  May Crowning

September 7-10, 2016:  National Council of Catholic Women Annual Convention in Indianapolis

You are Invited!!

  We are so excited to launch our Care for Creation project across the Diocese of Peoria!  And we are especially honored to have the Most Re...