Friday, March 15, 2019

Call to Action! Life Advocacy Day & More!

(This article was also published in The Catholic Post on March 17th.)

The State of Illinois is at risk of falling more into a culture of death with two dangerous bills being proposed in our state legislature. HB2489 and HB2467 threaten lives of unborn children and religious liberties of health care providers. Here are just some of the details of these bills.

HB2495, the “Reproductive Health Act,” makes multiple changes to the state’s abortion laws:

  •  It allows abortion at any gestational age, for any reason. It repeals the “partial-birth” abortion ban (dilation and extraction) and may allow for clinics to let surviving babies die after a botched abortion.
  • It requires every health insurance policy offered in the state to cover abortion at no extra cost, with no exemptions.
  •  It removes conscience protections from doctors and facilities, including Catholic hospitals, which do not wish to perform or refer for abortions.
  • A quote from the bill states: “A fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus does not have independent rights under the laws of this State.”

HB2497 repeals the Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act, which would allow a minor to have an abortion, medical or surgical, without her parents knowing about it. This entices young girls from neighboring states, sometimes with an abuser, to cross state lines and procure abortions here.


Please take the following steps right away to combat this attack on unborn life and religious freedom.

First, pray! Pray for legislators to have the wisdom and courage to stop these bills from being passed, and pray for the mothers, fathers, and unborn children who would be directly impacted by this legislation.

Second, spread the word about these bills, in your parishes and on social media. It may not be popular, but as faithful Catholics we must speak up.

Third, gather a group from your community to attend the “Vote NO on HB2495 and HB2467 Rally” at the State Capitol on Wednesday, March 20. Catholics from the Dioceses of Peoria, Belleville, Rockford and Springfield will also take part in a Life Advocacy Day on March 20, while those from the Archdiocese of Chicago and Diocese of Joliet will travel to Springfield on April 3 for a Life Advocacy Day. For more information, go to, call (312) 422-9300, or contact the Cecilia Soñé, director of the Respect Life Office of the Diocese of Peoria, at or (309) 671-1550.

Fourth, file witness slips online. This is a way to let legislators know you oppose these bills. It takes less than five minutes to complete. Here are the steps to do this:
  • Go to this website for HB2495,
  • Fill in your information. Put “Self” in the fields for “Firm/Business,” “Title,” and “Persons, groups represented in this appearance.”
  • Click on “opponent” under “Position.”
  • Click on "Record of Appearance Only" under “Testimony.”
  • Click on “I Agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement."
  • Click on “Create (Slip).”

Go to this website for HB2467,, and repeat the steps above.

Other action steps include contacting your state representative and state senator to express your strong opposition to these bills. Phone calls and letters are helpful, along with online petitions. You do not need a computer to express your opinion.

Finally, pray again, and without ceasing. Thank you for supporting the dignity of human life!

MARY ANN Hughes is the vice president/secretary of the Peoria Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and serves as its Chair of Pro-Life Concerns. She attends St. Mary Church in Westville.

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